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Is a Tucson Home Energy Audit Worth It?

Thermal imaging

So you’ve been thinking of making your home more energy-efficient, but you aren’t quite sure where to start. Alternatively, you’re wondering why your energy bills have been so high lately. The solution to both conundrums is a Tucson Home Energy Audit. A whole-house energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of your home’s comfort level and energy usage. The results of the Tucson Home Energy Audit then allow the technicians to accurately identify problem areas. They will also develop personalized recommendations for your home moving forward.

Why a Tucson Home Energy Audit Is Definitely Worth It

The technician will evaluate your entire home with specialized equipment designed to pinpoint common problems like air flow leaks, uneven air flow, and insufficient insulation. With a Tucson Home Energy Audit, you can look forward to the following benefits:

  • Reduce your energy bills: A Tucson Home Energy Audit allows you to accurately identify problem areas and fix them. The result is a lower energy bill. Over time, the audit can pay for itself!
  • Reduce your carbon footprint: These days, people are realizing that it’s more important than ever to effect positive change on an individual level. You can do your part to protect the Earth for future generations to enjoy by lowering your energy consumption, and a Tucson Home Energy Audit will enable you to do that.
  • Increase the home’s resale value: Even if you aren’t thinking about selling your home any time soon, when you are ready to move on, you can tell potential buyers that the home has benefited from numerous improvements designed to lower energy usage and improve its carbon footprint.
  • Improve your family’s comfort level: Your family deserves to be comfortable all year. After making the improvements identified by the Tucson Home Energy Audit, you won’t have to feel guilty about lowering the temperature during the hot summer months.
  • Identify hidden problems: It’s a universal truth that letting small problems go unresolved will usually mean you’ll have to deal with major problems later on. A Tucson Home Energy Audit allows you to pinpoint issues you didn’t know you had and fix them as soon as possible.

Potential Savings

For many homeowners, the major reason why a Tucson Home Energy Audit is worth it is the potential savings. No one wants to pay more for their energy usage than they have to. This is especially true in desert regions where air conditioners are a must-have during the hot summers! By identifying areas of air leakage, such as leaky ductwork and drafts, you can look forward to stabilized, lower energy bills.

What to Expect During Your Home Energy Audit

Expert technicians who conduct home energy audits use specialized equipment to perform an exhaustive whole-house evaluation. A thermal imaging camera allows the technician to identify thermal defects, including air leakage and areas of insufficient insulation.

Infrared Video

Using infrared video, thermography measures surface temperatures. On the camera, different temperatures show up as different colors. The coldest temperatures show up as black. The hottest areas show up as white. By identifying the heat variances, the technician can determine which parts of the home would benefit from more insulation. This can also reveal areas that might have improperly installed insulation.

Blower Test

The technician will also perform a blower test. This test evaluates the home’s airtightness. It can reveal air leakage and drafts. This test requires the depressurization of the house. After ensuring all the windows are closed, the technician will mount a powerful fan into the frame of an exterior door. A temporary covering seals the rest of the door. The fan blows outward, drawing air out of the home and depressurizing it.

The blower test allows the technician to determine the home’s air infiltration rate. It enables the detection of air flow leaks through unsealed cracks and gaps. These are the areas where you’re losing your chilled indoor air in the summer and warmed indoor air in the winter.

What to Do After a Tucson Home Energy Audit

After the technician performs the audit, you’ll likely receive the written report in your email inbox. It should explain the results of the audit, the identified problems, and the recommended home improvements. Sometimes, these reports also offer calculated estimated energy savings for each recommended improvement.

You can use the report to determine which home improvements to make. Some homeowners might want to perform all of the recommended improvements right away. If you have a long list, however, you might want to first focus on the ones that will yield the greatest energy savings.

You can schedule your Tucson Home Energy Audit with the expert technicians at Intelligent Design in Tucson! We are the No. 1 rated provider in Southern Arizona, and it’s our mission to help you save money and enjoy a more comfortable home through high-functioning, energy-efficient HVAC systems. You can give us a call at (520) 655-7595 to request a Tucson Home Energy Audit today!
