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Solar Power Systems: A Quick Guide to Going Solar

Solar panel with blue sky

Are you interested in solar energy but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place! As we all know, solar energy is the most abundant energy source on the planet, and solar power systems are a great way to tap into this renewable resource. That is why many homeowners and businesses have been switching to solar electricity in recent years.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a quick guide so you can start going solar and take advantage of all the benefits that solar energy has to offer.

Step 1: Do Some Research

The first step is probably the most important: Do your research. Before leaping solar, it is essential to understand what solar power systems are and how they work. You should also take the time to research solar companies, read solar reviews, and compare solar panel systems. The research will ensure you make the best decision for your energy needs and budget.

Step 2: Calculate Your Solar Savings

Once you’ve done some background research on solar power systems, you should calculate your solar savings. Your solar savings will depend on a variety of factors, such as the size of your solar array and the amount of sunlight your area receives. 

Knowing your solar savings will give you a better idea of how much money you can save by going solar. If you are still determining whether solar can save money, here’s how you calculate your savings.

Look at your energy bills for the last 12 months. Divide the total cost of your electricity bills by 12 to get your average monthly energy bill. Then, use solar savings calculators to estimate how much you could save with solar. Make sure you enter accurate information, such as your address and solar panel system preferences, to get a more accurate solar savings estimate.

Step 3: Select a Solar Power System

After calculating your solar savings, you can select the solar power system that best fits your energy needs and budget. Once you’ve selected a solar power system, contact solar installation providers in your area. Solar installers can help you decide whether solar panels are right for your home or business. 

To give you a quick insight into solar panel options, here are some of the most popular solar panel technologies:

  • Monocrystalline solar panels: Monocrystalline solar panels are the most efficient solar panel type, meaning they can generate more energy than other solar panel types.
  • Polycrystalline solar panels: These panels are not as efficient as monocrystalline solar panels, but they offer a lower price point and higher durability.
  • Thin-film solar panels: Thin-film solar cells are the least efficient solar panel option. However, they are also the most lightweight and flexible solar panel type.

Solar power is a great way to keep your home’s energy bills low. But if you’re considering installing solar panels, you may be overwhelmed by all the choices—what kind of solar panel kits should I get? Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Solar Panel Kits With Batteries (also known as “off-grid” systems) are designed for people who want to power their homes completely on solar energy, even during a power outage or disaster when the grid isn’t working.
  • Solar Panel Kits With Inverters (also known as “grid-tied” systems) are designed for people who want to supplement their current electricity usage with solar power. If you want to draw on the grid when the sun isn’t shining, this is also a good choice.
  • Solar Panel Kits With Battery Storage These are designed for people who want to completely disconnect from the grid, even during power outages or other emergencies.

Step 4: Find a Reputable Company

Now that you have knowledge about solar power systems and solar panel types, it’s time to find a solar company that you trust. A reputable solar installation provider will be able to guide you every step of the way, from selecting a solar system to ensuring that your solar panels are installed properly. 

When choosing the best solar company for your solar project, make sure to consider some factors. This includes:

  • Customer reviews: Check solar company reviews to ensure you’re getting a quality solar installation.
  • Warranties and guarantees: Look for solar companies that offer the best warranties and guarantees on solar installations.
  • Financial incentives: Research local, state, and federal solar incentives to see if any of these can help you save money on solar installation.

Step 5: Get Quotes and Compare Prices

Once you’ve selected a solar company, get quotes from installers and compare prices. This will help you find the solar company that offers the best solar system for your budget. Additionally, solar companies may offer flexible financing options or leases that can further reduce the cost of solar installation.

Step 6: Start Going Solar

Now that you’ve researched and compared solar prices, it’s time to start going solar. Get in touch with the solar company you selected to begin the installation process. The solar installer will guide you through every step of solar installation, from filing permits to providing ongoing maintenance support.

At Intelligent Design, we will guide you through the solar installation process and ensure that you get the solar system that best fits your needs and budget. With our solar financing options, solar rebates, and solar warranties, going solar has never been more affordable. Contact us today to start saving money with solar power!

Step 7: Signing Documents

Once you’ve decided on a solar power system and solar installation provider, you’ll need to sign documents. Read the solar lease agreement, solar panel warranty, and other solar paperwork carefully. Make sure you understand all the terms before signing any solar papers.

Step 8: Final Inspection

Once your solar system has been installed, it’s time for a final inspection. A solar inspector will check to ensure your solar installation is done properly before activating your solar system. This includes checking solar panel placement, solar wiring, and solar system performance. They should give you solar system documentation and performance records.

Step 9: Activate Your Solar Power System

Once the solar inspector has approved, your solar system is ready to be activated. Contact your solar installation provider for detailed instructions on activating your solar system. Once your solar panels are up and running, enjoy the savings solar energy has.

Step 10: Set Up Your Solar Monitoring System

After you’ve passed the final inspection, it’s time to set up a solar monitoring system. Solar monitoring systems allow you to track how much energy your solar panels are generating. This is a great way to ensure that your solar system runs smoothly and maximize solar energy savings.

Step 11: Start Saving Money With Solar Power

Once you’ve passed the solar inspection and set up your solar monitoring system, it’s time to start saving money with solar power! With solar power, you can save money on electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Plus, solar energy systems can help increase property value.

How to Spot Solar Scams

While solar energy is a great way to save money, there are solar scams that you should be aware of when getting solar installed. To avoid solar fraud, here are some solar scam red flags to watch out for:

  • Offers Free Solar Panels

Some solar companies will try to offer solar panels for free or at a drastically reduced cost. This usually indicates solar fraud and is not a legitimate solar deal.

  • Pressure Selling Tactics

Beware of solar companies that use pressure sales tactics to get you to sign the solar contract. Legitimate solar companies will never rush you into signing a solar contract.

  • Unrealistic solar savings

Be wary of solar companies that promise unrealistic solar savings. Solar energy savings vary based on various factors, and not all solar installations will save the same amount.

  • Request for full payment upfront

Legitimate solar companies do not require full payment upfront before solar installation. Requesting full payment upfront is a sign of solar fraud.

Contact Intelligent Design For Your Solar Needs

Going solar can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to research solar companies, read all the documents carefully, and watch out for solar scams. With the right solar installation provider, solar financing options, solar rebates, and solar warranties, going solar can help you save money while reducing your carbon footprint.

Going solar is a great way to save money and decrease your dependence on the grid. By following the steps above, you’ll be able to get started with solar power in no time! Ready to start saving money with solar? Contact Intelligent Design to learn more about solar power today!
